Home » Premier League » The day’s most exciting information have been verified by Howard Webb. Finally…!

The day’s most exciting information have been verified by Howard Webb. Finally…!

According to The Times, "the body that is in charge of referees in the Premier League is set to bow to pressure from Liverpool and release the audio of discussions between the match officials who wrongly disallowed Luis Daz's goal against Tottenham."

by Dandozzy

There are reports that are making their way around various media outlets that claim that the head of the PGMOL, Howard Webb, may give in to the pressure put on him by Liverpool and release the audio recording of the event.

Despite the fact that there have been several previous controversial events involving the VAR since it was first implemented, the debate surrounding Luis Diaz’s goal has brought the system into the spotlight to a degree that has never been seen before.

The fact that Liverpool’s club has been fined $25,000 for their disciplinary difficulties during the game is sure to add insult to injury for the Reds. After the game, Liverpool released a statement in which they sought “full transparency” in response to the terrible blunder that had occurred.

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1 comment

Igwe emmanuel October 7, 2023 - 8:18 am

Politics in football will not do any good


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