Home » Premier League » Believe me, if he keeps playing like this, he will eventually win the Balon d’ior. Even Kareem Benzema and Virgil van Dijk didn’t get to this level before they won it the last time. Michelle Owen has revealed the one and only Arsenal player who will be awarded the Balon d’ior in the near future.

Believe me, if he keeps playing like this, he will eventually win the Balon d’ior. Even Kareem Benzema and Virgil van Dijk didn’t get to this level before they won it the last time. Michelle Owen has revealed the one and only Arsenal player who will be awarded the Balon d’ior in the near future.

Believe me, if he keeps playing like this, he will eventually win the Balon d'ior. Even Kareem Benzema and Virgil van

by Dandozzy

Dijk didn’t get to this level before they won it the last time. Michelle Owen has revealed the one and only Arsenal player who will be awarded the Balon d’ior in the near future.

Recently, Michael Owen, a former football great, has expressed his respect for the prospective skill of William Saliba, a young defender who plays for Arsenal.

In spite of the fact that he is only 22 years old, Saliba has already established himself as one of the most outstanding defenders in the Premier League.

Owen, who is well-known for his own spectacular rise in the sport during his playing days, gave an interview to Premier League Productions in which he discussed his thoughts on Saliba’s potential.

The young kid possesses an incredible amount of talent and promise, which he highlighted by referring to Saliba as a “great find” for Arsenal.

The path that Saliba has taken to become a prominent player has not been without its obstacles, despite the fact that he joined Arsenal in 2019 for a substantial sum of £27 million.

The gifted Frenchman was initially signed under the supervision of Unai Emery; however, in the changeover to Mikel Arteta’s leadership, the opportunities available to him were severely restricted.

On the other hand, rather of concentrating on the fact that he did not get enough playing time, Saliba went on loan periods, which ended up being extremely beneficial to his growth.

Through the accumulation of these experiences, he was able to hone his abilities and develop as a player, which finally resulted in his becoming the fearsome talent that he is today.

Saliba’s versatility and potential were stressed by Owen, who suggested that he possessed all of the essential characteristics to become a defensive juggernaut comparable to Virgil van Dijk. Owen’s comments were made in reference to Saliba’s potential.

It is possible that Saliba will achieve legendary status in the world of football due to the fact that he possesses a combination of skill, athleticism, and tactical proficiency.

Saliba’s dedication and the patience of the club have paid off, despite the fact that he had to overcome obstacles and doubts in the beginning of his career with Arsenal.

Saliba continued to refine his skill and emerged as a pillar of strength in Arsenal’s defensive line as the club went through a period of challenging times.

In light of the fact that Arsenal is currently competing for success in the Premier League, Saliba’s job is becoming very important.

In the event that he is able to contribute to the success of the squad, his reputation among the footballing community will definitely reach new heights, helping to firmly establish his position as one of the most accomplished defenders in the league.

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